
Cape Vulture

760mm x 300mm • Oil on Linen

The Cape vulture is a magnificent and vitally important raptor. Like most members of the vulture family, it plays a vital role in our ecosystem, preventing the spread of disease by clearing the landscape of excess carrion. The species is listed by the IUCN as “Vulnerable”. The major problems it faces are being poisoning, disturbance at breeding colonies, and power line electrocution. The current population is estimated at 8,000. There are many projects underway to try and assist the growth of the dwindling population. Vultures are often seen as sinister and unattractive creatures. I hope this work depicts them in a different light and reminds people that they are an integral part of the delicate balance of nature and a family most worthy of preservation. The original reference photo is a marvelous capture by Chris Martin Wildlife Photography.

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